

印度药典 2022 年 4 卷 Pdf 免费下载可供免费下载

印度药典 2022 年 4 卷 Pdf 免费下载可供免费下载

印度药典 2022 年 PDF 免费下载

The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) on behalf of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, has issued the Indian Pharmacopoeia, Ninth Edition (IP 2022). In order to comply with the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and its implementing rules, the Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP) is issued. It establishes the requirements for medications made in India and/or marketed there, which helps to regulate and guarantee the high quality of the medications. The pharmacopoeia’s standards are binding and enforceable in court. It aims to support the licensing of pharmaceutical manufacturing, inspection, and distribution. IP is issued in furtherance of IPC’s aim to improve public health by ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of medications.
印度药典委员会 (IPC) 代表印度政府卫生和家庭福利部发布了印度药典第九版 (IP 2022)。为了遵守1940年《药品和化妆品法》及其实施细则的规定,颁布了印度药典(IP)。它规定了在印度制造和/或在印度销售的药物的要求,这有助于规范和保证药物的高质量。药典的标准具有约束力并可在法庭上强制执行。它旨在支持药品生产、检验和分销的许可。 IP 的发布是为了促进 IPC 的目标,即通过确保药物的质量、安全性和有效性来改善公众健康。

Indian Pharmacopoeia 2022

The Indian Pharmacopoeia comprises specifications and analytical processes for evaluating the quality of pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients, and dosage forms: The definition, description, identification, specific tests, assays, packaging, storage, labelling specifications, impurities profile, one or more analytical procedures for each test, acceptance criteria, and other requirements are all included in the IP monograph for an official substance or preparation. The East India Company’s Dispensary’s Committee first suggested the publication of a pharmacopoeia in 1833, and the Bengal Pharmacopoeia and General Conspectus of Medicinal Plants, which primarily listed the majority of the commonly used indigenous remedies, were published in 1844.
印度药典包括用于评估药物成分、赋形剂和剂型质量的规范和分析过程:定义、描述、鉴定、具体测试、化验、包装、储存、标签规范、杂质概况、一种或多种分析程序每项测试、验收标准和其他要求均包含在官方物质或制剂的 IP 专着中。东印度公司药房委员会于 1833 年首次建议出版药典,并于 1844 年出版了孟加拉药典和药用植物总论,其中主要列出了大多数常用的本土疗法。


《印度药典》(Indian Pharmacopoeia, IP)是对印度生产的药物的质量标准,这些药物必须按照药典标准规定的内容控制质量。1955年发布独立后第一版药典。
印度药典2018-INDIAN PHARMACOPOEIA 2018-印度药典委员会 (IPC)是卫生和家庭福利部为印度生产,销售和消费的所有药物设定了的标准。
中国药典2015(英文版)账号密码。 ID:vpfc ;Pass:02012009
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